Friday, November 25, 2005

Sinn Fein suspend Francie Molloy

Sinn Fein have suspended a member of its party MLA for Mid Ulster Francie Molloy for the diabolical crime of disagreeing with the party line. There is some debate about it on slugger. Balrog agrees with it and the levee breaks disagrees with it(with a great cartoon). I have to say it is shocking. A so called political party that does not allow dissent does not seem to be the kind of party one would like to see in power. I mean will ministers be allow to disagree. How would Cllr Bree controversy in Sligo be treated by Sinn Fein. I doubt Adams would be summoned to appear before a Complaints Committee of his own party. I actually doubt anyone would be brave enough to do it. Sinn Fein might claim to be moving into a position that would allow them to be considered viable democratic partners in government but I seriously wonder what dictionary they use to define democratic.


Chris Gaskin said...

"I doubt Adams would be summoned to appear before a Complaints Committee of his own party. I actually doubt anyone would be brave enough to do it"

That shows how little you know about Sinn Féin.

There is a rule in Sinn Féin that states if you miss three consecutive Cumann meetings you must either explain yourself to the Cumann or else face disciplinary action.

I know for a fact that Gerry Adams was forced to explain to his cumann why he had missed three meetings and was threatened with disiplinary action if the explanation was not satisfactory.

Student said...

This is a surprising story. Mr Molloy was brave to speak out, but will pay the price.

Simon said...

There is a rule in Sinn Féin that states if you miss three consecutive Cumann meetings you must either explain yourself to the Cumann or else face disciplinary action.

What if he accuse some one of something. could he be brought to the complaints committe.
Missing meetings is a constitutional yoke and as 3 meeting is well defined so that would happen. Im talking about conduct.