Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Magic Mirror Code
import metoffer
import sys
import datetime
import os
import dateutil.parser
import htmlprint
from apiclient.discovery import build
from httplib2 import Http
import oauth2client
from oauth2client import client
from oauth2client import tools
import requests
import apikeys
SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly'
#CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = 'client_secret.json'
def get_travel_duration_tomtom(source, destination, optional=None):
if not optional:
url = "https://api.tomtom.com/routing/1/calculateRoute/{},{}:{},{}:{},{}/".format(source[0], source[1], optional[0], optional[1], destination[0], destination[1]) +\
url = "https://api.tomtom.com/routing/1/calculateRoute/{},{}:{},{}:{},{}/".format(source[0], source[1], optional[0], optional[1], destination[0], destination[1]) + \
r = requests.get(url) #get the json file
trip=r.json()['routes'][0]['summary']['travelTimeInSeconds']#pull out journey time
return res
def get_credentials():
"""Gets valid user credentials from storage.
If nothing has been stored, or if the stored credentials are invalid,
the OAuth2 flow is completed to obtain the new credentials.
Credentials, the obtained credential.
home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
credential_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, '.credentials')
if not os.path.exists(credential_dir):
credential_path = os.path.join(credential_dir,
store = oauth2client.file.Storage(credential_path)
credentials = store.get()
if not credentials or credentials.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRET_FILE, SCOPES)
flow.user_agent = APPLICATION_NAME
if flags:
credentials = tools.run_flow(flow, store, flags)
else: # Needed only for compatability with Python 2.6
credentials = tools.run(flow, store)
print 'Storing credentials to ' + credential_path
return credentials
def calanderprint():
"""Shows basic usage of the Google Calendar API.
Creates a Google Calendar API service object and outputs a list of the next
10 events on the user's calendar.
credentials = get_credentials()
service = build('calendar', 'v3', http=credentials.authorize(Http()))
now=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z'
#print test
#now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time
#print now
#print 'Getting the upcoming 10 events'
eventsResult = service.events().list(
calendarId='primary', timeMin=now, maxResults=4, singleEvents=True,
events = eventsResult.get('items', [])
if not events:
print 'No upcoming events found.'
for event in events:
# start = event['start'].get('dateTime', event['start'].get('date'))
start = event['start'].get('dateTime')#, event['start'].get('time'))
start=dateutil.parser.parse(start).strftime('%a, %H:%M')
print start, event['summary'], '<br>'
M = metoffer.MetOffer(api_key)
weatherdata = M.nearest_loc_forecast(latitude here, longitude here, metoffer.THREE_HOURLY) #get the three hourly forcast
y = metoffer.parse_val(weatherdata) #parse the data into a useable format.
htmlprint.headhtml() #print the HTML HEAD code
for i in y.data:
if x<2:
pass #skip this as seems to the be the weather for the 2 previous hours
elif x==2:
print (str(i['Temperature'][0])+'°'+(metoffer.WEATHER_CODES[i['Weather Type'][0]])) #temperature
print ('<br></div>')
#print (metoffer.WEATHER_CODES[i['Weather Type'][0]]) #weather pic
print ('</div><div class="customfontmed">')#change to small print
print (str(i['Wind Speed'][0]))+'mph '+(str(i['Wind Direction'][0]))
print ('<br><br></div><div class="customfontsmall">')
elif x==21: #only show 9 forcasts
#print('{}- {}'.format(i['timestamp'][0].strftime('%a, %H:%M '))
elif x % 2 ==0:
print('{}           {}'.format(i['timestamp'][0].strftime('%a, %H:%M '), metoffer.WEATHER_CODES[i['Weather Type'][0]])+str(i['Temperature'][0])+'°'+"")+" "+(str(i['Wind Speed'][0]))+'mph '+(str(i['Wind Direction'][0])+'<br>')
#print (str(i['Temperature'][0])+'°'+"<br>")
#print('</td><td style="border-width : 0px;"><iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/clock/i46u0mcs/n1233/fn17/fs48/fcfff/tc000/pc000/ts1" frameborder="0" width="238" height="61"></iframe>')
print ('</div><div class="customfontsmallsmall"> <font color="white"><br>')
busarrary=[datetime.time(7,33), datetime.time(9,35),datetime.time(10,30),datetime.time(11,35),datetime.time(12,30),datetime.time(13,35),datetime.time(14,30),datetime.time(15,30),datetime.time(16,30),datetime.time(17,29)] #bus times
home_lat=latitude here,
home_long= longitude here
home = (home_lat, home_long)
work = (latitude here, longitude here )
route1 =latitude here, longitude here
route2=latitude here, longitude here
if sys.argv[1]=="2": #only do traffic stuff if called i.e. only in the morning.
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "<br><br>"
res = get_travel_duration_tomtom(home, work, route1)
print "Time to work via Route One "+str( res)+ " minutes<br>"
res = get_travel_duration_tomtom(home, work, route2)
print "Time to work via Route two "+str( res)+ " minutes<br>"
#bus portion
while True:
if x==10 or wday==6:
print "Next Bus at " + format(busarrary[0].strftime('%H:%M'))
elif busarrary[x] > hr:
print "Next Bus at " + format(busarrary[x].strftime('%H:%M'))
if wday==5 and x==10:
print "Monday"
elif wday==6 or x==10:
print "Tomorrow"
print "Today"
if wday==2:
print "Bins"
if sys.argv[1]=="1": #if called get the calander details
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "<br><br>"
# calanderprint()
Monday, December 08, 2014
Is Maintaining Museums more important than maintaining the corporation tax rate

Thursday, July 24, 2014
Why is there a Left Right split on Gaza
Here is a quick question. What is your opinion on minimum wage in Ireland? Would you think A.) It should be increased to a living wage, or B.) It should be abolished as it prices people out of work? On the face of it this question has nothing to do with the Israel –Palestine conflict. But if you dig a bit deeper you can see that is has absolutely nothing to do with the Israeli- Palestine conflict. Yet I would imagine over 95% of those who answered A would be pro-Palestinian and the Bs would be similarly pro-Israeli. Why? Name one public commentator who is of a left wing persuasion and is pro-Israel? It is not easy. Yet why is that?
The Israeli-Palestine conflict is not a conflict that is based upon a left-right divide. It isn’t hard to articulate a left wing pro-Israeli argument if one wanted to. Israel is far more liberal on issues of gender equality, sexuality equality, trade unionism etc than most of its neighbours. You could also argue that they are more tolerant of religious minorities than Hamas are. Likewise it isn’t hard to argue for Palestine from a right wing point of view. Israel’s government’s use of the control of utilities in the west bank is the ultimate argument for why utilities shouldn’t be in the hands of governments with their management being more political then services provision. The blockade is a real barrier to free enterprise which is the hope for the future prosperity of Gaza and the entire Israeli state is one massive block on the path to individual freedom for the people of Gaza. Yet these are arguments that are rarely if ever articulated. Instead we get a polarised debate that is split precisely on ideological grounds that have zero to do with the conflict. Why?
Some on the left would say that they stand on the side of the oppressed and therefore by default would side with the Palestinians. But being on the side of the oppressed was the reason many on the right gave for supporting the invasion of Iraq. And Israel is a country that is surrounded by countries that wish it was annihilated and the Jewish are a race who were almost annihilated. They are not a people or nation that cannot themselves make some justified claim to the term oppressed. Rightly or wrongly neither side has a monopoly on the ideal of justifying support on the basis of protecting the oppressed.
So why then is a conflict that contains no obvious right-left divide so divided in the West on a right-left divide? That is a question I cannot answer but here is a theory to disregard.
The cold war was the last great ideological conflict split on traditional left-right lines. Now as you all know this war was fought via proxies. America armed South Vietnam so Russia armed North Vietnam. Likewise America armed Israel, Russia armed Egypt, Syria and the PLO. Therefore the middle-east conflict while not explicitly a left-right divide gained a left-right divide. One which even after the fall of the Soviet Union it has not shaken off. Political ideologies are very much like political parties. Once you gain one you enter a situation where you have an enemy and the purpose of the exercise is to win. Winning requires a unified front and a consistent ideological front. That encompasses a coherent united message on all topics. Any deviating from the message weakens the collective front, and makes the opposing ideology stronger. Crossing the aisle on any issue feels like betrayal. So few do. It is easier to default to the “party line” than assess every single issue in the world individually. And thus we arrive at the polarised nature of the Palestinian conflict.
Africa however doesn’t really have that same framework, while many of the troubles are derived from the western colonialism. There isn’t really much western influence present on the ground to really hang an ideological hat on. The causes and the divides that exist in these countries are too complicated for us to understand and don’t really affect us. So we don’t bother and simply don’t care as much for the to date (15th of July ) 20,462 lives that have been lost in Africa in conflict in 2014.
If we were truly concerned about the rights of the oppressed, human rights, rights to individual freedom, the right to live without fear. Africa would garner more debate, more searching for solutions, more protests, then the middle-east. In truth, it seems we are just interested in squabbling amongst ourselves and point scoring. We don’t have a grand vision for a peaceful world, we just fall back on hot topics. As a result Africa is ablaze unnoticed, whilst we cry over the relative, few sparks in Palestine
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Dossing Times is moving.
This post will not contain any long goodbyes because this is not a good bye this is just a move down the road. So if you have any book marks please update them. The achieves of the dossing times will remain here. Frozen for ever. They are also on the new blog so don't worry. So to everyone that read us here at blogspot.com thanks hopefully you will continue to read us over on www.thedossingtimes.com
The reason for the move is two fold one wordpress and your own domain is better then blogger and there is new and exciting features coming to the dossing times that require our own domain so stay tuned.
Thank you and see you on the flip side.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Fight Club Musical?
Good Night for Hilary, Not So Much for Pollsters
MATTHEWS: We’re going to have to go back and figure out the methodology, I think, on some of these.
BROKAW: You know what I think we’re going to have to go back and do? Wait for the voters to make their judgment.
MATTHEWS: What do we do then in the days before balloting–
BROKAW: What a novel idea–
MATTHEWS: –We must stay home then I guess.
BROKAW: No, no, we don’t stay home. There are reasons to analyze what they’re saying. We know from how the people voted today what moved them to vote. We can take a look at that. There are a lot of issues that had not been fully explored in all this.
But we don’t have to get in the business of making judgments before the polls have closed and trying to stampede and affect the process. Look, I’m not picking just on us. It’s part of the culture in which we live these days.
But I think the people out there are going to begin to make some judgments about us, if they haven’t already, if we don’t begin to temper that temptation to constantly try to get ahead of what the voters are deciding, in many cases as we learned in New Hampshire, as they went into the polling place today or in the past three days. They were making decisions very late.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Some Music
Golden Globes Cancelled
Monday, January 07, 2008
Irish Blog Award Nominations
2008: 80 Years of Superman

Such huge amounts of power, a power he fears and in most instances holds back on has of course corrupted him in his time and been abused by enemies. The stand out decision though is to choose to do good with this power. His power is a part of him, not a creation of his wealth or the consequence of an accident, and his human upbringing moulds him into a man that wants to help. As soon as Simon invited me to contribute to the blog I never doubted the identity I would choose to construct, one that ties together ideas of anonymity and a hope of writing well. Clark Kent living in Metropolis is a tangle of excuses and appearances. However the one constant has been the use of his role as a reporter to achieve almost as much as Superman. His powers gone the week before his wedding to Lois Lane, she aptly reminds him of what Clark Kent can accomplish. Superman: The Movie doesn’t open with a shot of the exploding planet Krypton, it opens with a boy opening his comic book and reading of the Daily Planet, its globe acting as a beacon in the skyline of the great city of Metropolis and its paper acting as a record that could be trusted in.
To think that we’ve seen him rescue a plummeting plane and lift an entire country into the sky and still be able to say that Superman’s potential has never been fully realised on screen is something substantial. His is such a small story, it is one of what a single person can achieve but it is capable of being told on such an epic, awe inspiring scale. These are the times when limits and imagination have no bounds and Superman is such a case - to give in to the wonders of believing a man can fly and yet watch him choose which of the cries for help he should serve first in the cities below him is the beginning of great story telling and the basis for inspiring tales of heroism and courage. I plan to mark this anniversary with a number of posts during the year, I’m looking forward to the opportunity to re-appreciate the character.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Nomines will not be attending the Golden Globes
"After considerable outreach to Golden Globe actor nominees and their representatives over the past several weeks, there appears to be unanimous agreement that these actors will not cross WGA picket lines to appear on the Golden Globe Awards as acceptors or presenters," SAG President Alan Rosenberg said in a statement.
NBC are still intending on airing the awards show, though what such a show - with no nominees in attendance - will actually entail is beyond me. Reports say the most likely outcome is that she show will be postponed.
Friday, January 04, 2008
I Am Legend

Comic Relief
Surprise Wins for Obama and Huckabee in Iowa
'Mr Obama, an Illinois senator, captured the first Democratic prize on the road to the White House with a comeback triumph over former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, who edged out one-time front-runner Ms Clinton for second.'
'A victorious Barack Obama portrayed his decisive first-place finish in the Iowa Democratic caucuses as a "defining moment" that he said would lead the way to change in Washington and an end to the war in Iraq.'
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Top 6 Friday: The Alternative Movies of '08
6. Where The Wild Things Are - we will be kept waiting for this one, it has an October release however you can't but be excited about the new Spike Jonze. Starring Catherine Keener, Benicio Del Toro, Forest Whitaker, Lauren Ambrose and Catherine O'Hara the film is an adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story, where Max, a mischievous little boy, creates his own world - a forest in habited by fabulous wild creatures who crown Max as their ruler.
5. Fanboys - Starring Sam Huntington (superman Returns) and Kristen Bell (Heroes), I lilke the comedic potenial in the story of Star Wars fans travel to Skywalker Ranch to steal an early copy of Episode I: The Phantom Menace for their dying friend!
4. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Brad Pitt and David Fincher (Fight Club) reunite to tell the story of Benjamin Button, a man who starts aging backwards with bizarre consequences.
3. I recently rewatched 'Monster House' a great little movie - its director has gone all live action on us in telling of 'City of Ember' where once powerful generator is failing, and the great lamps that illuminate the city are starting to flicker. The major selling point for me? - Bill Murray.
2. Surely the best line up of '08 - George Clooney, John Malkovich, Brad Pitt, Frances McDormand and Tilda Swinton are directed by the Coen Brothers 'Burn After Reading' in a film about a disk containing the memoirs of a CIA agent ending up in the hands of two unscrupulous gym employees who attempt to sell it.
1. OK so I have previously mentioned the No. 1 entry but 'Be Kind, Rewind' just has too good a premise - A man (Jack Black) whose brain becomes magnetised unintentionally destroys every tape in his friend's video store. In order to satisfy the store's most loyal renter, an aging woman with signs of dementia, the two men set out to remake the lost films, which include Back to the Future, The Lion King, and RoboCop - and so too is directed by Michael Gondry who bought us 'Eternal Sunshine' and 'Science of Sleep'. I just don't think an 'alternative' choice of movies would be complete without its inclusion.
The Israel Factor: Ranking the presidential candidates
Currently Guiliani with some choice words for Yasser Arafat in his profile is leading the table with Clinton coming in second, with comments on her defence of the security wall and objection to the International Court of Justice finding the wall illegal. Barack Obama is finding himself in the lowly position of being 'worst' for Israel with a score of 5 out of a possible 10. None of the selection of comments for any of the top 3 candidates mention a 2 state solution and the emphasis throughout is on recognition of Israel and its right to defend itself against terror. Obama's comments are certainly the weakest, his inexperience in issues of foreign policy has followed him around the campaign trail and it will be interesting to see how positions he presents on such topics. Of course there is no denying these are snapshots of what candidates say removed from context, however previous remarks and voting records inevitably come back to haunt candidates. Find the ranking here.
The Year of Indy

A New Year of Posting
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Dossing Times Movies of the Year 2007

As much an ode to space set movie classics such as ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ and ‘Alien’, ‘Sunshine’ is a master class in suspenseful examinations of people within claustrophobic confines in its own right. So too it matches some of the best visual treats of the year with its simple, yet excellently executed story.
9. Waitress
Yes this is a shamelessly girly movie, in fact a girl sat crying behind me during one scene in which our heroine sang to her unborn child while making pies. Nevertheless this earns a mention for being the type of insightful romantic comedy I want to see more of, one that manages to undo the damage inflicted by a hundred Meg Ryan movies – the problems are real, unwanted pregnancies, abusive husbands – the humour is real, it is the type that strives to distract from misfortune and the overall effect is that this movie is full of real charm and enjoyment. The lead, Kerri Russel , is set to deservedly make a name for herself. I read during the year she had auditioned for the role of Lois Lane and her work in ‘Waitress’ makes me wonder what she could have done with the role.
8. Stardust
The surprise of the year for me, in the vein of ‘The Princess Bride’, this intelligent, funny and heartful treatment of a fairytale is a great adventure, ‘Stardust’ is the post modern take on fairytale conventions ‘Shrek’ could only ever manage pop culture digs at. The combination of spectacle, young talent as well as stalwarts such as Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer refusing to take themselves too seriously combines to deliver a great movie.
7. Half Nelson
Ryan Gosling sitting slumped in a dingy hotel room, looking both apologetic and unrepentent in his need for drugs, as one of the students he must teach high school English to the following day delivers his supply, earns in my eye the performance of the year for Gosling. This story of conflicted conscience, class and race divide and human frailty is perfectly tied together in the redeeming friendship struck up between student and teacher. Subtle, effective film-making.
6. Michael Clayton
Along with this year’s ‘Breach’, ‘Michael Clayton’ is a good old-fashioned thriller, with issues and political commentary taking a passenger seat to the driving force of tension, pacing and great performances. Tom Wilkinson can do no wrong in my book and so too George Clooney and Tilda Swinton lend great credibility to this story of corporate greed. More of the same please.
5. Transformers
The most fun and original of what I am classing the popcorn set of output which filled our summer. Good simple mindless plotting, sees Shia Le Beouf somehow evoking Allenesque neurosis while managing to be a hero and get the ridiculously hot girl from the wrong side of the tracks. All the while transforming robots have arrived from space to track down a box and that’s as much exposition as we shall be getting so as not to take from the time given to blowing stuff up and directing destructive killing machines towards populated areas. Ridiculous fun.
4. Once
The underdog story of the year, this movie could not but melt even the coldest heart. A story set within a naturalistic world of bitter sweet romance told through music, the audience is gripped to the story of characters whose names we never even learn. This is the first film I saw having moved to Dublin this year and it served as a perfect reminder of the wonder of small stories set to a big canvas. The closing sequence is my scene of the year, which is posted below, though nothing will match the great experience of watching the entire movie.
3. The Bourne Ultimatum
Few films can come along and set the standard that an entire genre of film will subscribe to and more so the standard that the longest running franchise of films in history will reboot to match. The Bourne Trilogy has achieved this and the third and final entry is a perfect testament to why these films have such impact. Demanding, fast paced and making innovative use of film making tools to add to the effect ‘Ultimatum’ is an apt resolution to the trilogy, with a Moroccan roof top chase and a Waterloo Station chase being amongst the best sequences of the year.
2. The Darjeeling Limited
I begrudge the characters of Wes Anderson films, they get to live in worlds where their dysfunction and eccentricities are unapologetically on show. Whether I subscribe too much to the world around me or the reality is these fictional characters could never exist in the real world, I know that these films and their moments of reflection are always stand out and ‘The Darjeeling Limited’ is one in a canon of consistently great films coming from Anderson and the talent he draws together. My exchange of the year is a train stewart asking Jason Schwartzman ‘What’ wrong with you?’, his response being simple ‘I’ll have to get back to you’.
1. The Dossing Times Movie of the Year: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
In terms of the films I have seen, I feel something new was achieved in film this year and it came in the shape of this movie. Set to one of the bleakest, yet most beautifully evoked surrounds, the film has neither a traditional structure nor a crowd-pleasing pace. The film is full of pensive, stalled tension with characters minds riddled with paranoia and mistrust a world away from the gun totting legend of Jesse James and his gang. Pitt has the least to work with but does a stellar job in evoking a man tormented by his own legend and Casey Affleck delivers the most unnerving, layered portrayal of a man. An outstanding piece of work, a perfect marrying of image, characterisation and atmosphere to create a unique film experience.
Monday, December 24, 2007
12 Posts of Christmas (No. 12) Holy Night
Now for something more traditional Placido Domingo & Charlotte Church
To you and yours a very happy Christmas from all here at the Dossing Times.